View of the ocean from our B&B room |
I wish you could hear what I am listening to right now. I am sitting on the deck of the B &B we are staying at and it is about 50 meters from the ocean …or sea as they call it here. There are not really words that can describe this beach called Wilderness Beach. It is miles long and soft white sand and waves that just roll continuously in…I know most beaches have waves but they don’t roll in like here…just one right after the other….so much so that you don’t hear the waves as they crash on the sand but you hear a continuous crashing of the waves…that sounds tiresome…but it is the opposite in my opinion. It has been so totally refreshing to be here.
Wilderness Beach |
And why are we here….?? We were leaving the Edwall’s and moving back to the Elliott’. The Elliott’s daughter Sally had her wedding yesterday (Saturday) and so we took the opportunity to have a little getaway. After the wedding we came to this beautiful bed and breakfast on the beach (which Roger booked and kept a secret from me :) ). ……I think I need to get back to the blogging part, as I am a few days behind again. I had every intention of writing a bit every day but the days are full and they slip away to quickly.
So backing up to last Thursday (January 27th)….We had talked about “taking the day off” and hanging around the house but wanted to go into Options for a bit. Roger had a few more things on the list of repairs he wanted to finish off. Including repairing the blinds, replacing a facet and cleaning an umbrella. I ended up talking to the “cardies” in the morning. They make such cool cards and are fun to talk to. About noon there was a tea time break for someone’s birthday and then I went to an intercessory group. What a privilege to pray with the women there. After intercession time I asked one of the ladies her story and she shared it with me and again it was HIV that brought her to the Lord…But it was an awesome story of God at work. Then we were getting ready to leave and I started talking to another lady who had wanted to share with me another day but had not had time so we spent awhile together….again…amazing testimony! I have been so encouraged by hearing what God does in the lives of people who surrender to Him. I know it in my head but to just hear the diverse ways he works…so cool!!
YFC Singles work Conflict Resolution Exercise |
We got home about 4 and we were reminded that at 8AM on Friday we were to do a presentation to the singles that work for YFC since they did not get to come to the marriage talk. We took our “marriage” talk and revamped it a bit and made it more about communicating with others and resolving conflict. There were 24 people there and they seemed to respond and participate quite well considering it was first thing in the morning. Again I was relieved to have it over but it was fun to do. I just ask that the Lord takes what we share and uses it in their lives…even if its one little thing that helps them.
Putt putt and view of mountains |
18th Hole at putt putt |
Friday afternoon we (Dean, Laurie, Jason and Jesse – student worker staying with the Edwalls') went to putt putt golf. It was a lot of fun. It was such a beautiful day (do I keep saying that again?). The golf course was all based on different locations in South Africa that was unique and at the end the last hole was a cross with verses written around it and a sign explaining the gospel…each hole had a sign telling about the thing it was about in SA. I thot that was cool to end up that way. After that we all went to a restaurant here in Wilderness that is called Sails. It has a beautiful deck out side where you can see the ocean forever. The sunset was amazing. It was a relaxing way to end a busy week.
Sunset from Sails |
Saturday….Another beautiful day….the weather here is ….picture perfect….in the sun its nice and hot but not too hot...with no humidity to speak of…. and in the shade even on the hot days... its cool and pleasant. Occasionally you get a rainy day…where it’s a soft steady rain all day. Kind of day you want to curl up with a good book….but most days have been nice since its actually summer right now.
With Dean and Laurie picking Strawberries |
We decided to go pick some strawberries (Dean, Laurie Roger and I) and take some to some friends we wanted to see again before we left. The strawberries were easy picking and delicious…red and sweet all the way thru… It was strange to not have children along when picking strawberries. That just seems to go hand in hand in my mind. We went to see our friends and take them strawberries… had tea of course and then came back home. Harry had had open heart surgery about 10 days ago and was in the process of recovery and it was good to see how well he was.
Location of Sally's Wedding |
Wedding |
Roger and I headed to the wedding about 3:30. We were not sure exactly how to get to the location so we gave ourselves plenty of time. It was a good thing too. It was in the mountains and forest area and a gorgeous location. Someone had made their farm into a place for events and weddings etc. It was fun to see people we knew there…old friends and new ones. After the wedding there was a time where sandwiches and lemonade were shared with the guests. Roger and I wandered around the grounds enjoying the view of the mountains and the indigenous forests around there. About 7:00 PM the guests who were going to the reception gathered around to cheer the bride and groom and then went in to a beautiful hall to have dinner. And of course speeches and toasts etc….it was so fun to be there! Who would have ever thought 17 years ago that Sally would be grown up and getting married and we would get to attend the wedding. Amazing. It was fun to see her brother Keith as well and his wife. Keith and Lucas were good friends when we were here…man…more memories!!! Roger also told a story about Sally and some words of encouragement.
When we left the wedding…quite late …we came to the B&B and crashed. We had decided to go to Victory church (where Elliott’s go) this last Sunday. We were so glad we did. We will miss the fellowship of those people we have gotten to know these few weeks.
After churh we went to eat at a little place near where we are staying and then came back to relax. We went for a looooonnng walk on the beach and then came back to go to Sails (where we went on Friday nite) because I had a hankering for the delicious spicy prawn soup that I had eaten on Friday. It was just as good this time as before. We each had a bowl and some samoosas (I know it’s a strange combination but it sounded good) . We were just finishing up our meal and we spotted dolphins swimming along the surf in the waves. I saw 8 of them at one time just cruising along thru the waves...way cool!!
Love you Ms Cleo (Wonderful Person) |
It was early (as in not yet sunset) so we went for a little walk around the grounds. While crossing the parking lot we saw a car with a license plate that reminded us of a dear friend. We love you Ms Cleo. We thought about going down to the beach but it is up on a hill and there had to be over 100 steps down…which of course meant over a 100 back up so we wimped out.
Another sunset picture while blogging |
So….back to where I started…can you hear the wave? Did you see the amazing sunset ? I wish everyone could see this amazing place
God created called wilderness beach!!
Waves at Wildness Beach |
Another Sunset from Sails |
I'm reading this and wishing I were there...as we try to stay warm with temps in the low 20's right now...and that's NOT the wind chill! You don't know what you are missing at home...or do you? =) This 'storm of the century' is affecting all of us. I'm so glad y'all are having such a great time traveling. I love 'being along' for the ride. Love you guys, Mary J.