Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6 week countdown!!

It is strange to me that all day I have been compelled to write on this site.  I have no idea why except maybe in writing it becomes more of a reality to me.  WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD!!
It seems like there is tons to do...a list a mile long...but when I look at it I can't figure out what to do today :)  It has been ages since i went wandering thru stores just to see what there is and so I did that today after I checked off the things I knew I HAD to do.  I made phone calls, post office trip, etc then headed to Khols to see what I could find. I was able to get a few things I needed for the trip that are on my list...its all about the lists these days.  It is driving me crazy to be honest.
Tomorrow we should get our passports back with visas stamped in them...did I mention? WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD?  It still feels very surreal.  I am so thankful to the Lord who is allowing us this time to visit friends and see different places.  The funny thing is...of 9 countries, 10 if we count the USA, we have already been to all but 3.  Wow..what a privilege to be able to do all that.  I am actually in amazement that we are doing this.
Okay , get the idea.  I am overwhelmed at times but on the other hand kind of in denial so  I go about my everyday activities most days and wonder what all those lists are about :)
So what is on our list?
Visas (almsot done)
Prepare house for family to move in while we are gone...but what does that look like?
Christmas shop
Do our yearly family photo calendar
Get dog's shots updated
Get transformers
Decide whether to carry books, or break down and get a kindle ...or ipad?
Get international drivers license
Make sure all the bills are covered
Order enough meds to last 5 monrhs
etc etc
there is about 20 things more but most of them are Roger's job...whewf!!
The good news is that as I wrote this and got the list out to look at I realized there were quite a few things I could check off.
If felt good to see it in writing again...In 6 weeks we will be on our way!!


  1. GET AN IPAD!!!! Then I can play with it, and Brian can show you how he works it with string cheese in his mouth. Your favorite snack! It could be good to get an Ipad for snacking reasons too! :) xoxo

  2. Jessica just made me laugh, too! I want to see Brian's string cheese trick!

    Jan, I'm so excited for you guys!
