We are Roger and Jan and have been married for for 32 years and lived in over 15 homes. For the last 9 years we have lived in the same place and were starting to feel like moving but we do not want to leave our friends and church in Columbia. We also have friends around the world and felt a desire to visit them (sorry, life and cash is too short to see all of you) and see their work first hand, assist where possible and at the same time get the moving bug out of our system. Roger lost his job due to the economy and we decided this would be a good time to make this trip. You may be thinking "Are they crazy?" You will have the opportunity to decide whether this is true by following us on our blog over the next several month. Jan has gone where Roger's job has dictated and now we are going where we want to at our own pace (no reference to age).
On November 18th we will be leaving Columbia to visit these friends. We will blog regularly so you can be a part of our trip and vote on how crazy we are. Feel free to follow us on this journey. Call it mid life crisis, running from responsibility, pure insanity or whatever you want but we are going to call it a fun adventure and refuse to become concerned if we get delayed in an airport, lost as we drive to places we have never gone or have no way to communicate where we don't know the language. We can't wait. You can see the places we plan to visit on this map.
What a wonderful adventure! I can't wait to make it with you...enjoy the ride, y'all!