Tues was another good day…in the afternoon the ladies had pedicures and/or manicures and then a tea. At the tea I had the opportunity to share some things the Lord has been teaching me…very brief and unplanned but it was a good time.
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Stephen, Shannon and Steve in talent show |
In the evening was the annual talent show. It was quite fun. Several different families sang and there was a humorous skit performed. Stephen, Shannon and another friend (Pami) sang a song and then Steve, Stephen and Shannon sang a beautiful song. Stephen and Shannon often wash dishes together at home and several years ago started singing together while doing them and it has turned into quite a nice sound. Shannon (13 yrs old) has started taking voice lessons and has an amazingly beautiful voice. Stephen has a deep bass voice and the combination was great…as well as fun to hear. We are so thankful we were able to be here to hear them sing.
At the bonfire |
After the talent show we had a bonfire and roasted hot dogs. It was a beautiful evening with a nice cool breeze and clear enough to see a lot of stars…of course we sang songs around the bonfire too… which I enjoyed a lot. Steve and I went down memory lane singing a lot of songs we sang when we were younger and sad to say since we were some of the older ones of the group many people did not know our songs!! I hate that thot but…what can I say…we are getting older!
Worlds largest top |
Wed. morning we started the morning by watching the spinning of the worlds largest top. In order to spin the top, they lift weights to the top of a coconut tree, wind the rope onto the top and let the weights drop. The top is about 45 pounds and can not be held safely. There is a life application to the top that was shared with those watching The meeting time Wed. morning there was a communion service led by from the Word and again I was just glad to be here and be part of that.
It was followed by a business meeting so the kids, Roger and I went out and played a couple games of coco croquet which is croquet where you use coconuts instead of balls and the mallets are made of bamboo. It was quite funny as you can imagine the coconuts went all sorts of directions.
Playing Coco Croquet |
After lunch we headed home, stopping at a wicker furniture making place, and then stopped to buy mango's by the road …getting home about 3:30. We all felt kind of let down and tired when we got home…and had a rest and ended the day with a movie and popcorn.
Today is our last day here…. I had a panic moment the other morning thinking about how fast the rest of our time of our trip is going to go by…questions came to my mind…how will I adjust to being home?…what will Roger be doing?...when will I see my kids again?...what will the year to come look like?...how does one top a trip around the world…etc…I felt the Lord saying just take it a day at a time…live with purpose today…and so I choose to do that and so today I feel excited about today and that we are having good family time and will think about tomorrow…tomorrow :).
Mango stand by side of the road |
Today we have made sweet rolls, chocolate cheese cake…gone out for lunch and ice cream…. I have to tell about lunch...we went to a place in the mall that was in a food court and one of the Read's favorite places to eat when they are there. It was called Reyes BBQ. I had the grilled salmon...Roger had grilled chicken..we probably should have been more adventuresome and tried some of the stranger things on the menu like grilled turkey tails...or grilled chicken ass (yes that was really on the menu) or..grilled pusit (see photo). See the pictures to truly appreciate the items. We had to go to the beer station to get our soft drinks. It is interesting that they sell beer in the mall.
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Some of the lunch menu items |
Tonight we plan to do a bonfire in the back yard with marshmallows and eat our wonderful dinner with cheese cake for dessert…finish packing…and then hit the bed early…(nothing new about that) to get up early and head to the airport for our 9AM flight to Xiamen, China to see the Teeters! Wow!!
View over Lake Leguna De Bay |